Playground Poker Club in Kahnawake, Canada (just outside of Montreal), has truly embraced their women’s market.  Creating a Four-Part Women’s Series where the top 5 finishers in each open tournament received a direct entry into the Finals and the remaining spots were filled by the Top 10 point earners on the Leaderboard, once the tournaments were complete. Thirty women were invited back to battle it out for the grand prize in January 2020 and CHRISTINE WON!!

The Second Women’s Series begins Feb 22nd, 2020. Good luck to all who play!

Playground Poker Club
1500 Unit C Route 138, Kahnawake, QC J0L 1B0
Phone: +1-450-635-7653 | +1-855-MTL-POKER | +1-855-685-7653

Christine Park
48 yrs old
Chateauguay QC Canada

I have been a full time poker player for 2 1/2yrs now after leaving a VP position for a distribution company in Burlington ON. I am a single Mom of a wonderful 19yr son.

How did I start?:
I played coed softball and the coach had a party and they guys were playing poker. Girls were not allowed to play. As they busted from the tourney they started up a cash table and I convinced them to let me try…I was instantly hooked!

Good early story:
First time I played in a casino was the Flamingo in Vegas for one of their small dailies. I was still drunk and hadn’t slept but managed to make my way near the end. It paid 3 places and I ended busting in 4th when my AQ got beat by 44 on a AAQ44 board. The remaining three guys were so shocked at the hand they all gave me $50 from their pocket. Honestly I was soooo excited I didn’t care that I was the bubble!

Where do I go for info?
I belong to a Pro Group that is run by School of Cards and these people are a huge influence on my game. It is a wonderful support group for all things poker and life!

How would someone describe your game?
I get a lot of feedback on this one from different players and it is always interesting to me how others perceive my play. My game involves adjusting to the other players so some days I can be perceived as hyper aggressive and scary while other times relaxed, social and fun. I try to gauge which approach will work at each particular table I am at.

Who do I confide in?
Mostly my Pro Group members and mostly with my poker BFF Kylie!

Unexpected hurdles?
I think the largest hurdle was leaving my comfy well paying job and becoming full time. At that time my ex also became a full time poker player and the adjustment to working out two bankrolls was very challenging. Also not seeing eye to eye on a lot of things made the situation even more stressful.

How do I identify my greatest competitor at the table?
I am not sure I try to identify my greatest competitor, I am rather searching for my easiest target and then attempt to isolate them as often as possible. If I find someone to be threatening I tend to avoid them as much as possible and do not try to tangle with someone who is going to give me a hard time.

Greatest challenges in my game?
I would say the emotional side, the down swings and knowing that I need to make a certain amount of money each month to survive.

Where did you think poker would lead me?
When I first started it was just for fun and trying to make a little mad money. Once I decided to start to take my game seriously and put effort into studying I knew I eventually wanted to do it full time.

Outside fun?
Love to go and watch my son play hockey and spend time with him!

Poker experience I am most proud of?
Have to say working my way through three satellites last year to get into the $10k event for free! I had won a $90 satty ticket from the tournament Leader Board and took that on to win the $440 and the $1650 to get my $10k entry. I managed to make my way to Day 2 but the dream ended there. Got to play with several well known pros and it was a wonderful experience!