WPA Media Kit
Women’s Poker Association Inc is dedicated to women poker players world-wide of all skill levels, ranging from beginner to professional. Our organization is constantly looking at opportunities and partnerships to elevate and empower women in the game. WPA is a 501c3 non-profit, all-volunteer, member driven association. Our content features education, successes, strategy and social opportunities in the poker world. If you require further information, please contact media@wpa.poker
WPA Articles
Long Live Home Games!
Five minutes before my first home game, I was frantically searching YouTube for, “How to Play Texas Hold’em.” I had played online before for a couple months, mostly for free, but the app had done all the dealer thinking for me and I was very hazy on the details...
2020 Brings New Life to WPA Player of the Year Program
WPA launched the Player of the Year Program in 2019 allowing for ladies events to be featured with their own leaderboard point system which results in a Player of the Year Award. 2019 saw industry support with an amazing 65 known ladies events in North America...
WPA PRESENTS Virtual Ladies Poker Week
Education, Human Interest and Virtual Excellence Awards GalaWhat was to be a WPA & Vegas Area Casinos collaborative week-long poker festival, fondly known as the ‘Ladies Poker Week’ was instantly gone with the reality of Covid-19. Women’s Poker...
How to Form a League
LEAGUE COORDINATION An Introduction Women’s Poker Association supports women who want to play poker at every level. Our all-volunteer, non-profit organization has emerged as the industry's most prestigious professional membership entity in women's poker. An...
Losing is Winning Sometimes
15 July 2019 Battled hard for 9 months playing in my Vegas HORSE League to win one of the coveted seats in the 2019 WSOP Series. I love my league. It is filled with some of the best mixed game players in Vegas. So to win a seat? It felt great! The rules...
A Conversation with Justin Hammer
28 April 2018 These articles will mainly feature female poker players and personalities and places to play, with the primary focus being on tournaments. I am based in southern California but would love to cover people and places from all over, so please feel free to...
Take Advantage of Those Casino Comps!
22 March 2018 It was the middle of August and I received an email from The Golden Nugget offering a free cruise for 2. The letter stated I just needed to come to the Golden Nugget the last weekend in October to receive my cruise. I live in Ohio and was...
An Ode to Mom!
20 March 2018 Like many of you, I’ve been playing cards since I could hold them and count. Let’s just say “I was better at counting than at holding them”. I initially learned to play 5 Card Draw from my mom. I learned to love gambling from her as well. There was...
But, I Was Chicken!
16 March 2018 I wanted to play poker. But, I remember how intimated I was just passing a poker room filled with “MEN”. The urge to walk in and sit down was my desire, but I didn't have the nerve. Finally, I bit the bullet, signed up at the desk and took a seat "in the...
Bringing More Women into Poker
01 March 2018 I was born to play poker. From the time I was very young, my grandmother took me to her Saturday “luncheons” with her lady friends where they played seven card stud. I sat, watched intently and learned while the ladies played. Way back then...
Bring on the Newbies!
19 February 2018 Thousands of women play poker. Why don't we see more women at the tables more than 10 years after the poker boom? My story in poker is similar to many women's story. As a child, poker was played as a family pastime. We played mostly 7 card stud...
Be the Change you Want to See in the World
15 February 2018Women are always a minority in the poker world unless it is a Ladies Only Event. Recently I played a mini River Poker Series, $150 NLH turbo tournament on Thursday at our closest casino Winstar at Thackerville OK. Out of 160 entrants there were about...