POKER POWHER is thrilled to team up with WPA to give more young women a seat at the poker table. We are a club led by women for women of all ages, to teach critical thinking skills, build confidence, develop discipline and the ability to assess risk- all through learning the game of poker.

Poker PowHer Club Members Enjoying a Lesson

We’re flipping the table on the status quo, but we can’t do it alone. Through our partnership with WPA, we need more experienced volunteers like you to teach more women to play poker in our area clubs. POKER POWHER has quickly grown from a group of moms and teenage girls to a large network of multi-generational players in seven states.

POKER POWHER sponsors a community-based network of poker-playing clubs. We’re connecting groups of high school girls, female college students, moms and professional women with highly-skilled, female poker instructors. 

We bring a fun and casual learning atmosphere to playing the game of poker, either in-person, group chat or online.

Jenny Just, founder of POKER POWER and co-founder of PEAK6 shares, “Our groups are not about winning or losing … they’re about sitting at the table and owning your position.”

Just is passionate about helping young women succeed by empowering them with the skills and confidence they need to develop into the next generation of leaders.

Are you ready to join the revolution? Let’s teach women to play poker to help them develop the critical skills and confidence needed for a lifetime of leadership. Share your skills by volunteering at an area club or start one of your own!  Go to for more details.