2020-2021, WPA Player of the Year, Bridgette Adkins is on fire! Combining her love for travel with her love for poker has been a winning recipe for her!

1. What is your name? Bridgette Adkins

2. Where are you from? Kansas City, MO

3. How did you get introduced to the game of poker? I started out playing $4/8 limit cash games as well as a monthly ladies tournament at one of our local casinos.

4. Tell us about an unusual or unique experience that you’ve had while playing poker? I would say each deep run in a tournament provides an unusual or unique experience. Never a dull moment!

5. How would you describe your poker style/play? Any specific poker experience you are most proud of? What is your favorite poker game to play and why? I think my opponents would describe me as aggressive. While that is not entirely inaccurate, my intuitive and fearless nature allows me to make the tough calls and (sometimes!) even tougher folds. A few poker experiences from this past year come to mind. Second to my deep run at the WSOP Ladies Main Event, my first place finish at Lone Star Poker Series ladies event was my first live stream final table experience in which I started the final table last in chips but ultimately came home with my first tournament win of 2021. Even though no-limit-holdem tournaments make up the majority of my poker playing, I most enjoy mixed games! Specifically any version of Omaha as well as 2-7 Triple Draw.

6. What were some of the unexpected hurdles that you have experienced in poker? How are you overcoming those? Bad beats! Cliche answer, I know. It’s difficult to grind late into a tournament only to go card dead or make an incorrect decision that negatively impacts the outcome of your tournament. While I cannot technically overcome the hurdle of bad beats, I could strive to react more favorably to these hurdles, essentially overcoming these hurdles in a different manner.

7. Who is the most difficult player that you have ever competed against?  How was that experience? While it is exciting to see new ladies enter a tournament for their first time, they often turn out to be the more difficult player because it is harder to put them on a certain hand or bluff them.

8. Looking back at where you were when you started your poker journey; how has your game evolved and what are your poker goals going forward? Most notably, my poker journey has evolved geographically – thanks to the pandemic and lack of local tournaments. Combining my love for travel with my love for poker is a win-win for me!

9. What is your favorite hobby or passion outside of poker? My teenage son and I love to travel. We are currently working on visiting every Major League Baseball park. We enjoy watching our KC Royals at their Away games and collecting autographs from those visits.

10. What are your plans for poker in the future, if any at all?  I look forward to poker tournaments resuming in Kansas City. We could use an WPA Advocate for this area to encourage our local casinos to host Ladies Events. Who knows, I may throw my name in the hat for this role one day!