Meet Carey Pickus, mixed games specialist from Park City, Utah

1) Tell us about an unusual or unique experience you’ve had while playing poker.
The first time I played the Main Event, I ended up sitting next to Sam Trickett, one of the top 10 money makers in the game. He was gracious and nice and insisted that I be in all the poker press photos that were taken that day. We had a lot of fun, so I only felt a little bad when I called his bluff to knock him out!

2) How can you describe your poker play? Any poker experience you are most proud of?
I’ve played for a long time and enjoyed many final tables, but I’m most proud of teaching a lot of people to play the game.

3) What were some of the unexpected hurdles in poker?
I’ve really had to struggle with the fact that I am not a gambler at heart, so I work in my comfort level with risk taking. I also struggle with being hard on myself – we all make mistakes, but I tend to beat myself up about mine.

4) Have you ever played against a Poker Pro, and how was that experience?
I’ve played with many pros, and generally have had great experiences. Pros tend to take ups and downs in stride and don’t get personal. They also tend to underestimate me, which is always helpful!

5) Looking back at where you were when you started your poker journey, what are your poker goals going forward?
My goal is to keep improving and enjoying the game, even as the game changes and evolves.

6) Where are you from?
It’s complicated. Spent most of my adult life in the SF Bay Area, then moved to South Florida, and now I live in Park City, Utah.